Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Of Paths and Spirals

Now, onto my Candidate Year's Work...

Time to have fun!

Yes, that's the way I'm looking at all of this...as fun, not work.

I've been a practicing Modern Pagan Druid for many years now and am well past the point where I "wake up in the morning and ask myself if I AM a Druid." and am at the point where I "wake up in the morning and ask myself what can I do to be a more effective Druid" (I believe that was John Gilbert that said that at the AODA list, but if mistaken I apologize to whomever it is I did just quote). That was my whole point to joining the AODA and proceeding with its workings...to be a more effective Druid, to learn, to grow, to experience new and wonderous things...to live life.

I've followed the Celtic Festivals for so long, they're an integral part of me, so the Sun Path will merely be documenting my experiences through the year and writing my essay.

The Earth Path, well, again a smooth path to begin with. I get "out into nature" as often as possible (minimum of once a week), so I'll just need to start journaling some observations and thoughts while outdoors. I'll have to check with the landlord about planting any trees, but I'm sure they won't mind (in a rental house). As to the reading...it's books! It's reading! I loive to read! Bring 'em on! I'll just have to find ones that call to me. Changes in lifestyle to be less of an impact on the Earth...well, not hard to say...Winslow's starting a recycling program (finally!!!) and I'm going to have everyone at the store I manage include the store's recyclables in the program (businesses are not going to be made to participate...but MY store WILL!!), even if I have to bring the stuff home and put it inmy own bin!

The Moon Path, already begun there. I practice the SoP daily now, meditate nightly (have for a long time) and am currently reading Gray's "Qabalistic Concepts" which has aided greatly with the SoP and Ring Pass Not.

Going to work on Divination as a "minor" for my Spiral Work. I've a set of Runes that I would on occation do some casting, but since my Candidate Ritual, I've been doing a one Rune Draw every morning to see how the day may go and then comparing it to how the day went. As example, this morning I drew "IS" and I got the impression of "average, standard". That is how the day did proceed, nothing earth-shattering, all status-quo. Now I just need to start keeping up on journal entries for this.

As soon as I decide on at least one book to get to start with, I want to make Earth Mysteries my "major" Spiral. Heck! I live near Sedona! What better focal point for this Spiral?!

Quite an experience

I did indeed perform my Candidate Self-Initiation Ritual on the eve of the Equinox. I found it a wonderful experience. I could "feel" the tenuous threads connecting to the energy that is within the AODA, threads waiting to join in the warp and weft that is the beautiful tapestry of the AODA.

I won't go into detals (therefore not spoil the Ritual for anyone reading this who has not gone through it), but during one specific part, I actually felt my abcessed tooth return to normal and the swelling in my face subside. Since then, the tooth problem has rapidly abated, not completely normal yet, but a far cry better.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Testing, testing...Can you Droo-id now? Good!

Well, if the Gods don't see my commitment to this path now, I don't know how else to prove to them...lol...

Thursday evening, I developed an abscessed tooth. Friday morning I looked as if I could be a stand-in for DeNiro in the Godfather my face was that swollen. Couldn't get into the dentist (half aren't open on Friday here and the other half are booked solid), so went to the ER for antibiotics.

Yet, through all this, my anticipation of performing my Solitary Initiation Ritual saturday (today) kept building and building. I've been almost counting down the minutes (that is, if I had set a specific time for it today). Something in me keeps saying "you need to do this...today" .

Then, it turns out that there isn't even an inch of yellow cord of any type in this little town! Our Wal-Mart is closing so the new Supercenter can open up, and they're not stocking the shelves or ordering.

Well, either Revival Druids or Paleo-Druids didn't have Wal-Marts! So, I grabbed an appropriate length of good 'ol cotton clothesline...and DYED it with some herbs I had! I've always felt it was best to construct one's magical tools anyhow. It turned out a pale, sunny, yellow (should have left it soak longer, but what the heck).

So, all necessary items in hand, I am prepared (chipmunk-cheek and all) to do this...Just Droo-id! LOL!

Off to enjoy the rest of the day with my wife, and then the Initiation towards evening!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Initiation Ritual plans

Well, with suggestions from the AODA board and from a very dear friend, I've decided on when to do my Initiation Ritual. Fortuitously, the waxing crescent moon falls on Canol Hydref (the fall equinox), so I'll be performing the Ritual on the 23rd of September.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

It is now official!

"Welcome to the AODA"...it said in the letter I received 9-9-2006. I suppose I looked like a kid opening a birthday card...grinning from ear to ear as I read it!

Now, once I have myself prepared, I'll perform the Candidate Ritual for Initiation.

This should be quite interesting!

I think I've actually narrowed down between two of the Spirals for my First Year work, but have yet to determine which I want to focus on for the year as a "major"... Earth Mysteries and Divination. Being in Arizona as I am, and the state having such wonderful "mysteries" spots such as Sedona's vortices and many others, I think this just might be the logical choice. Divination seems like it would go hand-in-hand well with this (using it as a "minor" in studies, then expounding on it my Second Year Studies...perchance along with Magic). Yes, I'm looking ahead in all of this, planning as I go, yet going to remain flexible to the changes I'm sure to encounter along this path... and not spread myself too thin in the process.

All of this has a deep-set meaning for me which it's full intent is at this point unknown to me. I'm sure as I progress along this path that things will become clear. I just have to have the patience for things to unfold as they're supposed to.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Spirals, Spirals, Spirals...hmmm......

The question...which one?

I'm not concerned about following the Earth, Sun, or Moon Paths, not in the least. The Earth Path...Well, I do my best to (at least) get out into nature at least once a week, I've lived a minimal ecological impact lifestyle when we had our quite remote property up here in northern AZ, so, some portions of this path are "already in the works". The Sun Path...Well, I already observe (and have for may years) the eight holy days (and usually the lunar cycles as well), so, that part of the path will be familiar. The Moon Path...Ok, been practicing much of the material from "The Druidry Handbook" since I began reading it, so this portion of the path will be smooth as well I do hope.

BUT! Which Spiral?

All are appealing, and I've dabbled a bit in all of them through the years (some more than others). Yet, to pin it down to one to focus on for my Initiatory Year is going to take some deep thought.

Well, plenty of time to consider the options...

Now, I wait

Well, I mailed off my Letter of Acceptance and my initiatory fee to the AODA (Ancient Order of Druids in America) Grand Grove yesterday. Now I anxiously await notification from Grand ArchDruid John Michael Greer that it has been received and accepted, so that I may officially begin my Initiatory Year.

I've not been this anxious and excited about something in quite awhile. Having read (and actually re-read) JMG's "The Druidry Handbook", having read the material at the AODA website, and participated in discussions for awhile now at the AODA Public Yahoo Group, it just "feels" as if this is the correct path to take. Kind of like walking into a long-time friend's house and immediately feeling comfortable, knowing that you're welcome there and there are honest people of like-mind that you can relate to.

Perhaps it is a "homecoming" of sorts. Perchance in a prior incarnation I was involved in a Druidic Revival group. Now, I'm definitely not saying I was Stuckeley or Toland in a past life (I'm sure there's enough claimants to that already), but I do feel that there is a possibility that I might have been involved in such. It's an interesting thought, nothing more, and it really doesn't matter either way. I'm in the "here and now" ,that is the past, and I'm looking towards the future.

Sure, it's not going to be an easy path to venture. But what achievement worth doing is easy?

It's also a long path in front of me. Yet, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. At one point while I was deciding whether to join the AODA or not (not really that long of a decisive moment, really), I did consider challenging the First Order. I'd probably pass the challenge with relative ease with what I've done in the past as a "solitary". But, the more I thought on it, the more one question kept cropping up in my mind..."why?". What sights would I miss along the path by "running" instead of taking my time? What beautiful scenery would I miss? What important tidbits of information would I not have a chance to learn by "jumping ahead"? Nope, I want to see the dragonflies flitting silently from rock to rock. I want to hear the birds singing, see the color of the sky around me change in it's shades of blue, watch the clouds meander by as I stroll along this newfound trail. Like I said, the journey IS the destination...and I'm going to make the best of it!