Of Paths and Spirals
Time to have fun!
Yes, that's the way I'm looking at all of this...as fun, not work.
I've been a practicing Modern Pagan Druid for many years now and am well past the point where I "wake up in the morning and ask myself if I AM a Druid." and am at the point where I "wake up in the morning and ask myself what can I do to be a more effective Druid" (I believe that was John Gilbert that said that at the AODA list, but if mistaken I apologize to whomever it is I did just quote). That was my whole point to joining the AODA and proceeding with its workings...to be a more effective Druid, to learn, to grow, to experience new and wonderous things...to live life.
I've followed the Celtic Festivals for so long, they're an integral part of me, so the Sun Path will merely be documenting my experiences through the year and writing my essay.
The Earth Path, well, again a smooth path to begin with. I get "out into nature" as often as possible (minimum of once a week), so I'll just need to start journaling some observations and thoughts while outdoors. I'll have to check with the landlord about planting any trees, but I'm sure they won't mind (in a rental house). As to the reading...it's books! It's reading! I loive to read! Bring 'em on! I'll just have to find ones that call to me. Changes in lifestyle to be less of an impact on the Earth...well, not hard to say...Winslow's starting a recycling program (finally!!!) and I'm going to have everyone at the store I manage include the store's recyclables in the program (businesses are not going to be made to participate...but MY store WILL!!), even if I have to bring the stuff home and put it inmy own bin!
The Moon Path, already begun there. I practice the SoP daily now, meditate nightly (have for a long time) and am currently reading Gray's "Qabalistic Concepts" which has aided greatly with the SoP and Ring Pass Not.
Going to work on Divination as a "minor" for my Spiral Work. I've a set of Runes that I would on occation do some casting, but since my Candidate Ritual, I've been doing a one Rune Draw every morning to see how the day may go and then comparing it to how the day went. As example, this morning I drew "IS" and I got the impression of "average, standard". That is how the day did proceed, nothing earth-shattering, all status-quo. Now I just need to start keeping up on journal entries for this.
As soon as I decide on at least one book to get to start with, I want to make Earth Mysteries my "major" Spiral. Heck! I live near Sedona! What better focal point for this Spiral?!