Sunday, March 18, 2007


The garden is in the ground, the herbs are transplanted to their hanging baskets, and all is well!

We placed the "Little Bride" corn doll I made on Imbolc in the garden, for her assistance in our harvest, said a silent blessing, and went to planting. When we harvest the corn from our own garden this year, we'll save husks to make a "Cailleach", which will then go in next year's planting, completing the cycle.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

At the water's edge

Spent a wonderful afternoon yesterday. The wife and I went out to Clear Creek for the afternoon, she fished, I sat working on Ogham Meditation (kind of ironic and backward in a way, but I've got to be "in the mood" to fish, and yesterday the Ogham was calling me).

Some Ogham sources use Broom for Ngetal, but I actually prefer Reed. I was pondering yesterday how reeds live in all three "realms" at once, their roots secure in the mud, their stems coming up through the water (yet not harmed by the prolonged submersion), and breaking forth out of the water into the air. Shouldn't this be what we, as Druids, aspire to do as well? To live in all aspects to the best of our ability and adapt to them?

Just another of my thoughts to ponder on...