Quite an experience
I did indeed perform my Candidate Self-Initiation Ritual on the eve of the Equinox. I found it a wonderful experience. I could "feel" the tenuous threads connecting to the energy that is within the AODA, threads waiting to join in the warp and weft that is the beautiful tapestry of the AODA.
I won't go into detals (therefore not spoil the Ritual for anyone reading this who has not gone through it), but during one specific part, I actually felt my abcessed tooth return to normal and the swelling in my face subside. Since then, the tooth problem has rapidly abated, not completely normal yet, but a far cry better.
I won't go into detals (therefore not spoil the Ritual for anyone reading this who has not gone through it), but during one specific part, I actually felt my abcessed tooth return to normal and the swelling in my face subside. Since then, the tooth problem has rapidly abated, not completely normal yet, but a far cry better.
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