Sunday, September 10, 2006

It is now official!

"Welcome to the AODA" said in the letter I received 9-9-2006. I suppose I looked like a kid opening a birthday card...grinning from ear to ear as I read it!

Now, once I have myself prepared, I'll perform the Candidate Ritual for Initiation.

This should be quite interesting!

I think I've actually narrowed down between two of the Spirals for my First Year work, but have yet to determine which I want to focus on for the year as a "major"... Earth Mysteries and Divination. Being in Arizona as I am, and the state having such wonderful "mysteries" spots such as Sedona's vortices and many others, I think this just might be the logical choice. Divination seems like it would go hand-in-hand well with this (using it as a "minor" in studies, then expounding on it my Second Year Studies...perchance along with Magic). Yes, I'm looking ahead in all of this, planning as I go, yet going to remain flexible to the changes I'm sure to encounter along this path... and not spread myself too thin in the process.

All of this has a deep-set meaning for me which it's full intent is at this point unknown to me. I'm sure as I progress along this path that things will become clear. I just have to have the patience for things to unfold as they're supposed to.


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