Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ogham staves

Well, I've completed my hand made set of staves, made from birch (fortunately that's what the craft store had) disks about the size of a half-dollar and inscribed with a wood-burner. I placed the Ogham Letter and the Gaelic Name for the tree on the front. On the back, I decided to place a few "study aides", so I inscribed the English tree name, the Number Ogham, the modern alphabet correspondence, the color association, and the Elemental correspondence, all based out of JMG's "Druid Handbook". It was about six hours of solid work, but I think well worth it, they turned out just as I had envisioned them. I'm still debating if I want to get some enamel paints and put colors around the edge on the front, for the Element Associations and the Color Associations (kind of like the Element colors around the AODA symbol, but three instead of four). Ah well, perchance at a future time. For now, they are done and I can start using them. I'll probably type up a "reference chart" for the symbolism, to use while I'm memorizing the meanings, so I don't have to keep flipping through the book.

I feel it's important to construct one's own magical tools, when you can. I know that in our busy daily lives, this can't always happen. But it does give one a good feeling of accomplishment, as well as fully bonding these tools directly to you. Thus far, besides the Staves, I've constructed my own Creabh Cuilil (spelling? "talking branch" such as the one King Cormac was gifted with) and Crane Bag. Although this might not be a "necessary" thing to do in Modern Druidism, I feel it's right for me, and would encourage others to try it. It has it's rewards.

Oh, and a side note, while inscribing the Staves, I noticed some patterns that I'm going to ask JMG my curiosity piqued...


Blogger Nettle said...

Hi Tully,
Your Ogham staves sound lovely - would you be able to post a picture? I've been thinking of creating something similar, and I could use the inspiration. When you ask JMG your ogham questions I'd love it if you did it on the board - I have a few questions myself but if any of mine are the same as yours it would keep him from having to answer twice.


11:26 PM  

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