Sunday, November 05, 2006

Nos Calan Gaeaf

May the New Year find those well who read this.

I decided to post more today, November 5th, due to my wife and I celebrating Samhain on the first full moon during Scorpio. Actually, it's usually our second celebration as we do participate in the stream of energy that is formed on October 31st by all the celebrants that night. Our neighbors probably thought us a tad on the strange side for leaving our Jack-o-Lanterns up so long past Halloween, but hey...

Both nights the Ritual has been rather simplistic, as my wife has had to work both nights, very informal in nature. But, whether merely lighting a candle, offering a soft-spoken prayer to the Gods and Ancestors, and leaving the traditional Meal for the Departed, or a full-regalia ritual, I feel they're equally important and effective. I'm a firm believer in that it's most important that you "do", not necessarily how elaborate (although, I do like the formality of full-regalia Rituals at times, the symbolism, the bond with others).

October 31st... was quite nice, my wife and I sharing each other's comapnionship in the afternoon and evening, until she had to go to work, the few trick-or-treaters we received, a simple meal, a simple meditation at our indoor altar, leaving a plate for the Departed, and then she went to work & I called it a night. With my usually hectic work schedule, I treasure the times that she and I get to spend simply in each other's company.

November 5th...Well, my wife had to work a longer shift tonight, so less time together. I've lit a black candle on the home altar to represent the passing year, and a white for the new, lit off of the black candle. Did some Discursive Meditation to some New Age Celtic Music (song called The Circle of Stones, a favorite of mine, don't know the artist off-hand) in front of the altar, follwed by the SoP...extremely moving is how I'll describe the practices.

Some lines from the song that strike me:

"Winds across Salisbury plain, Ancient Stones stand in the rain, shilouettes against a stormy night..."

"I see shadows form and disappear, in shades of grey, the ficker of a thousand lives. Voices are calling from another time and place...the name that echoes here is mine."

"The Milky Way seems to wink at me as if to say "we know exactly where you are" ..."

Blessed are those that have gone before us, giving us support and guidance in our lives. May we hold their memory, love, and deeds in our hearts. May they not be forgotten!

Bendigedig Nos Calan Gaeaf...


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