Along the Path...
A Pheasant with its resplendent long tail takes flight into the morning sky.
I decide to follow, to see where this path may lead…
A field mouse darts onto the path, following it with me for a spell.
I must remember to make notes on all that I perceive here,
The stuff of Bardic Poetry it could well be.
I’m moving with the flow of things, taking faith in my personal views
A difficult night it has been,
But the long-burning oak fire has illuminated the moonless night.
Yet, I have achieved victory against the odds.
Hazels from above the well have sustained my strength.
Days are more fulfilling.
Soldiering my spirit and flowing as water, I tread on,
Admiring the blue sky as I go.
My work is far from finished, but I am healing as I go.
Smoke still rises from the fire I kindled so long ago.
As one path ends, yet a new one begins.
Fierceness I will have in the gentlest of works, I vow silently to myself.
Shine, I will, as freshly polished brass.
Rust red leaves are forming on the trees,
Newfallen snow will soon be at hand.
I’ve reached the grove, what a wondrous place.
Lightning flashes and He is there with me, the God of the Grove.
“You have lifted the Fog,” he states matter-of-factly, “Some is now revealed”.
“Let the Past guide you along the Future”…and we part company but do not part ways.
The Future is a vast unexplored Ocean, and I, the mariner.
A Pheasant with its resplendent long tail takes flight into the new morning sky…
I shall see where he goes along this jagged-edged and spiraling path...
T.G. Reill
I decide to follow, to see where this path may lead…
A field mouse darts onto the path, following it with me for a spell.
I must remember to make notes on all that I perceive here,
The stuff of Bardic Poetry it could well be.
I’m moving with the flow of things, taking faith in my personal views
A difficult night it has been,
But the long-burning oak fire has illuminated the moonless night.
Yet, I have achieved victory against the odds.
Hazels from above the well have sustained my strength.
Days are more fulfilling.
Soldiering my spirit and flowing as water, I tread on,
Admiring the blue sky as I go.
My work is far from finished, but I am healing as I go.
Smoke still rises from the fire I kindled so long ago.
As one path ends, yet a new one begins.
Fierceness I will have in the gentlest of works, I vow silently to myself.
Shine, I will, as freshly polished brass.
Rust red leaves are forming on the trees,
Newfallen snow will soon be at hand.
I’ve reached the grove, what a wondrous place.
Lightning flashes and He is there with me, the God of the Grove.
“You have lifted the Fog,” he states matter-of-factly, “Some is now revealed”.
“Let the Past guide you along the Future”…and we part company but do not part ways.
The Future is a vast unexplored Ocean, and I, the mariner.
A Pheasant with its resplendent long tail takes flight into the new morning sky…
I shall see where he goes along this jagged-edged and spiraling path...
T.G. Reill